4 Relatable Reads about Mental Health for Moms

4 Relatable Reads about Mental Health for Moms

Motherhood is a whirlwind of new experiences and emotions. But one thing that comforts most moms through the storm of parenting is the knowledge that none of us is alone. From the struggles to the surprises, there are so many other mothers across the globe who can relate to the daily realities of mom life.

So, in the spirit of reinforcing this sense of comfort, here are four (4) relatable books about mom life, mom mental health, and supportive communities that help you know you’re not alone in all of it.

1. From One Mom to a Mother: Poetry & Momisms by Jessica Urlichs.

This is a very comforting read for mothers who are into poetry. Not to worry—the book doesn’t read like Shakespeare for Moms. Rather, it carries a simple, relatable, and refreshingly honest tone that tells the mom author’s story of self-re-discovery that began the moment she became a mom.

Whether the book makes you laugh or cry, you’ll certainly put it down feeling less alone and with the feeling that you’ve made a friend in a book. You’ll also feel truly seen, heard, and validated. Some have said that her words carry a healing quality that flows through you as you read them. Others admitted that her poetry gave shape to feelings they didn’t even know how to articulate.

Jessica shares her truths from a vulnerable place in 55 pieces of poetry and prose that will hold you like a hug and whisper in your ear, “You’re not alone”.

2. How to Keep House While Drowning by KC Davis.

KC is a licensed professional counselor and mother of two. So, while her book is not parenting-focused, her words are coming from a mom who can relate. Now, we all know that having kids oftentimes creates messy homes. Nobody knew this more than KC who gave birth to her second child during COVID when she was far away from home and her support system.

Her circumstances had triggered a stress-mess cycle. She had lost all motivation after falling so behind with countless chores; it was so bad that she hadn’t folded a single piece of laundry for 7 months. But she eventually had a reality recall—she was a therapy pro! Her mental health as a mother was on a low, but she already had the arsenal to uplift herself.

And so she came up with six (6) life-changing principles that revolutionized the way she approached home care. She presents these principles in short, readable chapters that teach you a self-compassionate way to uplift your mom mental health while tackling your ever-mounting laundry pile. At the end of the day, you don’t work for your home; your home works for you.

3. Operating Instructions: A Journal of My Son’s First Year by Anne Lamott.

In this book, Anne gives an honest, wildly enjoyable account of how she, her son, numerous friends, neighbors, and some strangers survived and thrived in the all-important first year after her son’s birth. Trust me, she’s superrrrr honest about her story as a new and single mom. So not only is the read hilarious but she’s also exceedingly relatable and validating of every emotion.

The primary lesson that Anne’s account will teach you is that life, especially mom life, can come with both blessings and losses, and that as your capacity for joy increases, so does your capacity for grief. Ultimately, she reminds you that if you’re finding mom life overwhelming, you’re not alone in this, honey.

4. You Are a F*cking Awesome Mom by Leslie Anne Bruce.

This one is a blaring reminder that yes, motherhood initiates a complete 180 in your life, but you must forget whatever you’ve been told before and embrace the real joys of your own motherhood— spit-up stains and all. Leslie is an award-winning journalist and Instagram star. In her book, she offers a powerful string of self-empowerment lessons and unfettered support from a mom who has been through it all.

Leslie writes especially for new moms, but it’s a read that I encourage all moms to have because we all need this lifeline of encouragement, inspiration, and community as mothers. We all need that reminder that even through the chaos, motherhood is gold.

A Special Bonus Read: The Balanced Millennial Mom E-Guide from Silk Skin Co.

The last read on our list is for the busy millennial mom looking to reclaim her time and start making herself a priority. The Balanced Millennial Mom is a comprehensive e-guide that offers practical tips and strategies to help you navigate motherhood while maintaining your well-being. From self-care routine builders to emotional management techniques, this e-guide is a must-have for every millennial mom looking to achieve balance in her life.

Click here to get your FREE e-guide right now!

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